The main character in the Young Adult Historical Fiction book I'm working on dreams of summiting Mt. Rainier. So, I wanted to get my butt on the mountain to see, smell, and touch my way around. We actually did this hike in August (same as my character!) but now that the Pacific Northwest is covered in snow, I'm reminiscing and thought I'd share some info about the hike. So! If you're looking for a great family hike around the Seattle/Tacoma area, check out the Sunrise side of Mt. Rainier. Although, there are a few drop offs.... so I guess it depends on the maturity of your kids (and the quick grabbing abilities of the adults). Here is one such drop off. We kept our little one strapped in for this trail. There are a few different trail options--some steeper and longer than others. The main theme of every sign is STAY ON THE TRAIL! They're trying really hard to keep the fragile native plants alive that were once trampled by tourists. The kids got to join a cool ...
Mt. Rainier Family Hike