Well we had an AMAZING flight out of Hawaii and I can’t wait to write a post about it! Thanks to my BFF Nicole for the sweet glasses. I handed garbage to the flight attendant with a straight face with the glasses on. Nailed it.
Thinking about | The lady standing at a stoplight with a sign that said “Working, Struggling Mom. Just trying to make it to payday. Anything helps.” She didn’t look homeless, but she was definitely without hope. I was on my way to the grocery store so I picked up an extra loaf of bread, PB&J, and some bananas. I figured worst case scenario she would throw them back in my face and scream “WHERE’S THE CASH?! I NEED DRUGS!” But what if her and her kid were just out of cash till the end of the week? So I took a chance. She was very surprised and excited about the food. As she rummaged through the bag of groceries she just got more excited. I felt like a million bucks and hopefully some little kid is going to have a lunch to bring to school for the next few days. Or maybe she is out selling PB&J sandwiches for drugs… who knows. Anyway, I’ve had this saying/sign on my mind lately:
Watching | The Season Premiere of Parenthood… OMG!
Thankful for | Spending a few weeks with my family (awwww).
Enjoying | Trader Joe’s food for almost every meal and snack. Yum.
Loving | The crisp fall air.
Listening to | The songs of birds that don’t sound anything like the birds in Hawaii. Chickadees, crows, the occasional seagull.
Drinking | Zevia (ginger ale sweetened with stevia). Thanks Christine for getting me hooked on it! ;)
Anticipating | All the fun get togethers and playdates I’m going to have with old friends over the next couple weeks.
That’s it for now! What are YOU up to currently?!
Heather says
I hope you enjoy your time stateside :) and I love opportunities like the one you describe – you trust your gut and allow yourself to do something for someone else – even if it’s a little risk – no matter how your gift was used, it was a beautiful action – have a great couple of weeks!
Jamie says
It’s been a great trip so far. I totally agree when you have a gut feeling about something, ya just gotta do it!
Marielle says
That’s such a sweet thing to do! I agree with Heather about how you have to trust your gut sometimes – and it’s such a brave/compassionate action to see someone in need and then actually do something about it. Currently, I’m enjoying my tea and getting ready for a busy Monday. . .have a good week!
Jamie says
Thanks for reading, Marielle! I have been LOVING tea lately, especially chai.I hope you have a great week too!
Lisa @ Sorority Life to Army Wife says
Enjoy your trip!
Jamie says
Thanks Lisa!
Kati @ Harvard at Home says
Love that sign! What a precious thing to give that single momma. I pray it blessed her heart as much as it did mine.
Jamie says
Thanks Kati :) And, I know I just love that sign – I really want to make something similar to put in my home! Hope you have a great week :)
Whitney says
Hey there! Stopping by from the Currently link-up… LOVE that you brought that lady a bag of groceries! What a real, authentic way to bless her. Mad props for keeping her in your mind and acting on it. I have an army wife friend also in Hawaii – Hannah Farrell. Look her up :)
Jamie says
Thanks for reading, Whitney! I wish I could meet your friend, but we aren’t in Hawaii any more :( I hope she’s loving it there, I know I did!
Tee | Rotten One says
Jamie! Those glasses are amazing – also, I don’t know how you kept a straight face on while interacting with a flight attendant. You’re my new hero :)
Jamie says
Haha thanks! I just didn’t look her in the eyes ;)
Becky B with Choose Happy says
I want that Be the Good sign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was so wonderful that you helped that woman.
I love Trader Joe’s, I just wish I had one closer.
Stopping by from the Currently link up ~Becky with Choose Happy~
Jamie says
Hi Becky! I know, coolest sign ever! I am SO enjoying Trader Joe’s while I can – LOVE IT.
Ashley Bree Perez says
very nice. :)