First of all, are we talking about kicking kids or kids who kick? I’ll let you guess, but really anything goes on long, crowded flights.
Check out this funny article about how to keep your own kid’s feet to himself on a flight. Among the best advice she gives is to have one parent sit in front of the kid, and also to tape a picture of grandma to the seat in front of you: “You can’t kick Grandma!”
I have never offered to buy another passenger a drink, but I might if my son was clearly ruining their flight. Sometimes you just have to avoid eye contact and literally count down the seconds, while restraining tiny arms and legs that are flailing around.
I’m working on a post of all the tips and tricks I have tried for flying with kids (some were stupid and others worked great.) Please comment or email with any advice you may have on flying with kids and/or babies – thanks!
Oh, this just reminds me of a very kid-unfriendly lady I sat behind when I was 13. I was just sitting down after entering the plane and she immediately turns around and says, quite viciously, “If you kick my seat ONE TIME I will call the stewardess and have you removed to a different part of the plane.”
hahaha–maybe she was crazy, maybe she just hated kids and really liked her space, but I’ve always thought, Really? You think a teenager who, by the way, is taller than you, is going to be kicking your seat like a toddler? And you think threatening children who don’t know you is a good idea?
Wow she sounds crazy! Please tell me you kicked her seat just once ;)