This is my very first time linking up for the Weekly Wishes series and I’m excited to start getting stuff done!
We are moving some time in the next couple months, so many of my goals right now are focused on minimizing household belongings and preparing for the big move.
This Week’s Wishes:
1. Back up iTunes and iPhoto to both my HDs. My computer is over 5 years old and it’s going to die ANY DAY NOW so I can’t be too careful!
2. Drop off old clothes at the thrift store. I went through my closet this last week and have a heaping laundry basket full of clothes to give away. I still need to go through my son’s and husband’s closets, but that will be a goal for another week!
3. Write 2 book responses. My second summer class starts today and I have a lot of writing to do over the next couple weeks. All the readings so far have been very good so I’ll probably include part of the reviews on the blog.
Ok that’s it for this week! What are YOUR goals and wishes for the week?!
carolatic says
Hello! I saw your blog at the Weekly Wishes linkup with Melyssa from TNC. This week was my first time linking over, and I thought that it was a very fun post to do, don’t you think?
your blog is lovely, by the way! so adorable :)
Jamie says
Thank you! I think it will be good for me to have the accountability! Good luck with your weekly wishes :)
Lauren @ My Passion Journey says
Welcome to Weekly Wishes! You will love it- it’s so addicting and fun! Good luck getting those backups done- I’m so paranoid about stuff like that. I’m sure it will be a huge relief to cross those off your to-do list!
Jamie says
Thank you, Lauren! Yes, I’m looking forward to the backups being finished!
Kati Konfidential says
Ooh I should have added drop off clothes to thrift store too!! I have 2 huge bags of old clothes I need to get rid of just sitting in my kitchen. Good luck with your wishes this week :)
Jamie says
Thanks! I actually got all the clothes dropped off yesterday – such a relief to have that taken care of!
Alycia says
I totally need to do some backups! I have a hundred million photos I need to do something with before my computer crashes. I’m going on 10 years with this one…so it’s any day now!!!
Consider me your newest follower! I’d love for you to come back and check out the rest of my blog!!
Alycia//Crazily Normal
Jamie says
Oh my goodness!!! BACK UP NOW! lol but seriously
Curiousrhea says
Look at you! Little energizer bunny. I have been so lazy since our class ended, except at work. Your blog is blossoming nicely. What is your second summer course?
Jamie says
haha, yeah I just keep trucking on! I’m taking Adventures in Memoir. I’m really enjoying the books. It’s much easier to read novels/memoirs than Bhabha ;)
Curiousrhea says
No doubt! I feel forever changed for having my mind touch his words. Phew.
Ellen @ The Cynical Sailor says
Good reminder about backing-up. I can’t remember the last time I’ve done this – yikes!
Jamie says
And I still haven’t done it – better get to it this weekend! I did order some nice hard cases for both HDs for the move… that counts for something!